How do I setup a Failover System in ATRS?

Failover is the ability to seamlessly and automatically switch to a backup system when the primary ATRS Server fails. This will reduce or eliminate negative user impact. This is how to set up a Failover System in ATRS.


Collaboration must be disabled in the Failover Server.

Scheduler - Failover Server

You should have one server that is connected to the same Database as the Collaboration Servers to become the Failover Server for the Primary Server. The Failover Server will become the Main Scheduler in the event that the Primary Server fails.

On the server that will become the Failover Server:

  • Go to Options and select Scheduler.
  • Check 'Use as a backup scheduler server (Failover), checkbox.

  • Click Apply and OK.
  • The Failover Server is set up.
  • Restart the Failover Server.

How do I revert the System once the Primary Server comes back online?

To reset the Failover settings, follow the steps below:

Uninstall the scheduler on both the Primary and Failover servers.

  • Go to Options and select Scheduler.
  • Check No Scheduling required checkbox.
  • Click Apply Setting.

  • Click Yes.

  • Click Apply and OK.

Install the scheduler services on the Primary Server.

  • Go to Options and select Scheduler.
  • Configure the Scheduler.
  • Do not check the option to "Use as a backup scheduler server (Failover)" as this is the primary server.

  • Click Apply and OK.

Start the scheduler services on both servers.

Crystal Reports: Setting up Backup Scheduler Server.

The system has now been reverted to its original state.