How do I setup and use Default Tasks in ATRS?

Default tasks are pre-defined tasks that can be easily inserted into schedules without the need to recreate them each time. Here is how to set them up.

Options - Default Tasks

Step 1: Navigate to Options.

Options ATRS

Step 2: Select Default Tasks.



Step 3: From the list of custom tasks, click on the one you want to use. Then, drag and drop it into the right-hand pane.


  • This action will prompt a window to appear, providing you with the opportunity to configure the default custom task.

The picture shown below may differ from the pop-up window you see. This window varies based on the type of custom task you select.

Default_Tasks popup

Once you have created the default task, it will display in the Custom Tasks window. Click Apply.


Importing a Default Task into a Schedule

To import a default task, perform the following:

Step 1: Navigate to the Tasks tab of the schedule you wish to add the default task to.

This can be done by right-clicking the schedule, selecting Properties, and then clicking Tasks.

Step 2: Click Import.

Importing Default Task Into Schedule

Step 3: From the context menu, select Default Task.

Default Task context menu

Step 4: From the list that displays, click on the default task you would like to add to this schedule. Then, click OK.

You may create additional default tasks in this window as well.

Default Task apply

Step 5: The default task will now be added to the schedule as a custom task. Click OK to save the Task List, then Click Apply & OK to save the Schedule Changes.

How to Create a Task List

Task Lists are a great way to import multiple task groups into a schedule. To create a Task List, perform the following:

Step 1: On the Default Tasks tab of the Options window, select Export.


Step 2: Enter a name for this task list. Then, click OK.

pause export

If the default task list was created successfully, you will see a success message. 

task list default

Step 3: Click OK to clear the message.

The Task list is now saved and can be imported into a schedule.

Importing a Default Task List

To import a default task list, perform the following:

Step 1: Navigate to the Custom Tasks tab of the schedule you wish to add the default task to.

This can be done by right-clicking the schedule, selecting Properties, and then clicking Tasks.

Step 2: Click Import.
Step 3: Click Import Task List.

import task list
Step 4: From the list that appears, click the task list you wish to import for this schedule. Then, click Select.

imported task list

Step 5: All tasks associated with that task list will now be added to the schedule. Click Apply & OK to save the changes to the Schedule.