How do I setup Read Receipts for emails sent from ATRS?

Here's how to confirm that the recipient has read an email after it has been sent. Tasks can be executed once or repetitively until the read receipt has been confirmed by ATRS. Read Receipts can be used in most Email Destinations.

System Monitor - Read Receipts

Step 1: Navigate to System Monitor.

ATRS Sytem Monitor

Step 2: Select Read Receipts.


Read Receipts

Read Receipts allow you to verify if the recipient has read an email sent to them. Tasks can be performed once or repeatedly until the read receipt is confirmed by ATRS. This feature is compatible with most Email Destinations.

Read Receipts can only be used with Exchange email settings.

All emails awaiting a read receipt are visible in this section. You can easily sort your read receipts by status - whether delivered, pending, or received - by using the filter option.

Once the email is sent, a delivery receipt will be sent to you. You will also receive an email notification once confirmation that the email has been read is received.

Setting Up Read Receipts

  • To set up Read Receipts for an email, click on the associated schedule and go to Destination.
  • Double click Email.
  • Check Delivery Receipt and this enables read receipts for this email destination.

destination delivery receipt

  • By clicking the triple dots box, you can review additional read receipt options.

delivery receipts window

  • Click OK and then, click Apply.
  • If a read receipt has not been received within a specified amount of time, custom tasks can be executed as a result.
  • In schedules that send multiple emails (i.e. a Dynamic Schedule), a read receipt is triggered for each of the emails sent by the schedule.
  • Repeat above tasks every X minutes: Any task you have created will be executed at a determined interval until a read receipt is received.