How do I setup scheduled backups in ATRS?

By default, ATRS creates an Automation schedule during installation or update. This schedule utilizes the Schedule Backup Custom Task to execute system backups. This article will show you how to access the System Back up Schedule.

ATRS creates an Automation Schedule with Daily System Backups located in the System Backup folder on the ATRS Home Screen.


System Generated Backup Schedule

This Automation schedule is created by default when installing or updating ATRS.

Accessing the Back up Schedule

Step 1: Locate the System Backup Folder in the left-hand pane of the ATRS Home Screen.

Step 2: To access the scheduling details of the System Backup, simply right-click on the Automation Schedule named System Generated Backup and choose Properties from the Context Menu.


ATRS Automation Schedule  Context Menu

Automation Schedule Properties 

From within Properties you may customize the System Generated Backup Schedule properties. 

Steps 3-7 are optional, you do not need to make any changes to this schedule. If any changes are made, click on Apply & OK to save the changes.

Step 3 (Optional): Under the General Tab you can edit the Location of the where the System Back up Schedule is stored if you wish to, change the Schedule Name, add a description for the schedule, add keywords, (Keywords are used by Smart Folders). 


Step 4 (Optional): Under the Schedule Tab you can change the scheduling frequency of the back up, the time of day the back up runs, the repeat interval if you would like one. 

As much as possible, try to schedule backups at times when you do not have schedules running. This is important as backups may cause delays with schedule execution.

Step 5 (Optional): Under the Schedule History Tab you can view the Schedule History.  Successes, failures and other data is located here.

Step 6 (Optional): Under the Tasks Tab you will see the System Back up Custom Task.  To Edit this Task simply Click on it to highlight it and select Edit

Additionally, you have the option to include more Custom Tasks to personalize your workflow. To do this, simply click on a task in the left-hand pane and drag it over to the right-hand pane this will then open the Task window for the selected Task for you to customize.

Step 7 (Optional): Under the Sharing Tab you can select any user you might want to share the schedule with.

Step 8: After making any adjustments to the Automation Schedule, remember to click on Apply and then OK to ensure that all changes are saved successfully.