How do I use "Registry" Customs Tasks in ATRS?

Registry Tasks enable you to create registry keys, set values, and more. This a powerful module and only those who are knowledgeable of windows and their systems should use this functionality.

Custom Tasks - Registry

  • In the Schedule Wizard, go to Custom Tasks.

Registry Tasks

Crystal Reports: Registry tasks in CRD.

Set Value


  • Task Name: Give the Task a name.
  • Registry Key: Select the registry key from the drop down menu.
  • Registry Value: Enter the new value.
  • Click OK to save.


  • In this section, you have the option to run this task before, after or you can choose both.

Delete Key


  • Task Name: Give the Task a name.
  • General: Navigate to the key that needs to be deleted.
  • Click OK to save.


  • In this section, you have the option to run this task before, after or you can choose both.

Create Key


  • Task Name: Give the Task a name.
  • Navigate to the base key you would like to add a sub-key to.
  • New Key Name: Enter the name for the new key.
  • Click OK when you are done.
Hint: To create a new key and assign it a value, you must first create the key, then use the Set Value task to set the value for this new key.


  • In this section, you have the option to run this task before, after or you can choose both.