Here's how to set your schedule in the PBRS Web App to export to MS Excel Data Only output format.
After setting up your schedule and inputting your selected details, you will navigate to the Destinations Tab. This is where you will configure your destination to utilize the MS Excel Data Only output format.
Step 1: Give the Destination a Name:
Step 2; Select the Destination Type from the list of destinations available.
Step 3: Select MS Excel Data Only (*.xlsx) as the Output Format.
Step 4: Depending on the destination type chosen you will need to complete the Destination information before moving to the Format Option tab.
The Example shown below is of an email destination. All parts of the email ( Send To, Subject, Email Body ) should be configured first, before moving to the Format Options Tab.
Step 5: Click on the Format Options Tab. This is where you can add Data for the Visuals in your report.
Step 7 (Optional): Configure the required General Settings.
- Page Number: Enter the page number where the visual title is located.
- Visual Title: Select the Visual data's titles you want to export.
- Summarized data: Select this option to export the summarized data for the chosen Visual.
- Underlying data: Select this option if you want to see all the underlying data for the chosen visual.
- Add Row Totals: Select this option to add row totals to all rows of data in the worksheet for the chosen visual.
- Add Column Totals: Select this option to add column totals to all columns in the worksheet for the chosen visual.
- Only summarize the following rows (comma delimited): If you prefer not to include totals for all rows in the worksheet, you can specify which rows to summarize by entering the row numbers, separated by commas.
Please Note: This option is only available if you have selected the "Add Row Totals" feature.
- Only summarize the following columns (comma delimited): If you prefer not to include totals for all columns in the worksheet, you can specify which columns to summarize by entering the column letters, separated by commas.
Please Note: This option is only available if you have selected the "Add Column Totals" feature.
- Use an Excel Template: Use this option if you want to export the Power BI Visual to an already existing excel template.
Once you check Use an Excel template, the following options will appear:
Step 1: Provide the path to the location of the Excel template.
Step 2: Enter the Worksheet Name
Step 3: Determine the Column that the data export should start from. Enter a specific Starting Column if there is one, or simply select Next Available Column.
Step 4: Determine the Row that the data export should start in. Enter a specific Starting Row if there is one, or simply select Next Available Row.
Step 8 (Optional): Configure the required Style Settings.
Here, you may modify the font-weight and Font Colors of the data exported in the visual. You may also change the Background color of certain cells. For example, you may change the color of the Header Row, or odd rows only.
To change a Font Color or Background color, simply click on the required cell and select the new desired color.
Step 9 (Optional): Configure the required Column Formatting Settings.
Here, you may specify the type of format string to the data type of your column.
Step 1: Enter the Column Name, this should be the column header name.Step 2: Select the Data Type.
Step 3: Enter the Custom Format string.
Step 4: Click Add to save it.
Below are some format string examples:
Format String | Value | Output |
### | 123 | 123 |
000 | 10 | 010 |
#,# | 1000 | 1,000 |
00.00 | 10.1 | 10.10 |
#,##0.00 | 1000 | 1,000.00 |
#0.##% | 0.011 | 11% |
0.00% | 0.0123 | 1.23% |
0.00E+00 | 120000 | 1.20E+05 |
#?/? | 1.25 | 1 1/4 |
#\?/100 | 1.25 | 1 25/100 |
0.00_);[Red]\(0.00\) | -1,123 | (1.12) |
0.00_);\(0.00\) | -1,123 | (1.12) |
$#,##0.00 | 5,46 | $5.46 |
#,##0.00\[$€-1]_);\(#,##0.00\[$€-1]\) | 123 | 123.00€ |
[$€-2]\#,##0.00_);\([$€-2]\#,##0.00\) | 123 |
€123.000 |
[$-F800]dddd\, \mmmm\ dd\, \yyyy | 24.2.2020. 0:00:00 |
Monday, February 24, 2020 |
[$-409]mmmm\d\, \yyyy;@ | 24.2.2020. 0:00:00 |
February 24, 2020 |
[$-409]d\-mmm;@ | 24.2.2020. 0:00:00 |
24-Feb |
[$-409]m/d/yy\h:mm\ AM/PM;@ | 24.2.2020. 0:13:00 |
2/24/20 12:13 AM |
[$409]h:mm\ AM/PM:@ | 24.2.2020 21:10:00 |
9:10 PM |
@ | abc |
abc |
Step 10: Click Save. This completes the MS Excel Data Only Format set up. You may now complete the remaining parts of your schedule set up in the Web App.