How do I set up the Scheduling frequency in the scheduling Wizards in ATRS?

In the scheduling section, you will decide when the report will execute. There are a variety of options available this article will show each of the options available for all schedule types.

Schedule Wizard

When setting up the schedule for your report, you will have a range of options to choose from in order to determine when the report will execute. These options include daily, Weekly, Monthly Scheduling. You can also set up weekly schedules, selecting the frequency of weeks for the report to run.  Additionally, you can schedule the report to run on weekdays only, or on specific working days of the month. Annual scheduling options are available as well, along with the ability to create custom calendars for more tailored scheduling. Other scheduling options include running the schedule at regular intervals such as minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. If no scheduling is required, you can simply choose the "None" option. 


Schedule Screen

In this section, you will decide when the report will execute. There are a variety of options:

  • Daily: Run a report every day or at a frequency of days.
    • Sub options: Repeat every X Days.

Example: Run the schedule every single day. Simply overwrite the number, or use the up and down arrow to change the frequency.

Run Daily-1

  • Weekly: Run a report on a weekly time frame.
  • Sub options: Repeat every X weeks.

Example: Run the schedule every 2 Weeks.  Simply overwrite the number, or use the up and down arrow to change the frequency.

  • On: Select the specific days of the week the schedule will run. If only once a week, select only the day of the week it will run.

Example: Run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Schedule Weekly on a Sunday

  • Week Days: Selecting this option, the schedule will run Monday through Friday only.

Run Week Days

  • Working Day: Run the schedule starting on a specific day of the month. Indicate which day of the month the schedule will run. E.G. run the schedule on the 4th working day of the month.

Run Working Day

  • Monthly: Run the schedule on a monthly time frame.
  • Use the following options: Checking this box will enable you to select frequency options such as the “last Thursday of the month.” Also you can include or exclude specific months from the schedule.

Run Monthly

  • Annual: Run the schedule every year at a specified time.  If this option is selected the Anniversary date will be the start date.

Run Annual

  • Custom Calendar: Select the custom Calendar you wish to use. You can create a new custom calendar from the menu as well. Please see [Custom Calendars] for more information.

Run Custom Calendar

  • Other: Other scheduling options.
  • Run Schedule every X Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

Run other

  • None: No scheduling is required for this item.  This option may be selected if you wish this schedule to be executed as part of a Work Flow (Automation Schedule) or an Event Based Schedule.

Run none

  • Start Date: Enter the desired starting date for the schedule. This section can be the current date (providing the schedule time has not already passed) or a date in the future.
  • End Date: If the schedule is due to end after a certain date enter that here. If the schedule is to run indefinitely, then leave it blank.
  • Schedule time: On the Next Run date, the package will run at this time.
  • Exception Calendar: Choose a calendar that will instruct the schedule to NOT run on those specified days. Please see [Custom Calendars] for more information.
  • Next to run on: The package will next run on this date.
  • Repeat Every: Rerun the package every x minutes from the scheduled time until your specified time.

For example, you can set up a daily package to run every day at 8 am, and to run every hour until 5 pm.

  • Until: After this date, there will be no automated scheduling of this package.
  • Enable this Schedule: Uncheck this option to Disable the schedule. Disabled schedules are not deleted, but they do not execute automatically. You can re-start the automatic scheduling at a later date by checking this option again. Or right-clicking this schedule from the main screen and selecting Enable.