This article will help you to create a Treemap Visual in an IntelliFront BI Dashboard. A Treemap Visual is ideal for displaying large amounts of hierarchically structured data.
Dashboard - Treemap Visual
When creating a dashboard item it is important to know what you want to display. We recommend having some questions in mind of what you want the dashboard to show before you start creating it.
The Dataset used in this dashboard is a sample of a Human Resources data. The Dataset contains information about Age, Gender, Marital Status, Name of the employee, Department, City, etc.
I would like to find out the following from the Dashboard:
- Where were most employees acquired from?

- To create this visual, begin by selecting Treemap.

Binding Menu
- Use the Click here to bring up the Binding Menu. The Binding Menu allows you to create and modify the data selected for the dashboard.


- Select the value for the information you are going to show.
For the example above I am going to show the EmployeeID.
- You may need to use a calculated field. To create a calculated field use the F+ button. You will need to use SQL Queries for this.
Please seek assistance from your IT department as we do not provide SQL Query support.

- Summary Type: Select which type of summary variable you would like.
- Count: Count all variables in the data
- Count Distinct: Count all variable not repeated.

- Caption: This is the heading for the Value selected. It is best to caption the visual with a variation of the question asked at the beginning of creating the dashboard.

- In this section, you have the option to select the format type and unit to the value.

The Arguments section contains data items that provide discrete categorical data.
- Select the value for the information you are going to show.
For the example above I am going to show the EmployeeSource.
- You may need to use a calculated field. To create a calculated field use the F+ button. You will need to use SQL Queries for this.
Please seek assistance from your IT department as we do not provide SQL Query support.


- Caption: This is the heading for the argument selected. It is best to caption the visual with a variation of the question asked at the beginning of creating the dashboard.
Data Shaping

- In this section, you can change the sort order of the value.
- Sort Order: You can select Ascending or Descending sort order.
- Sort By: Select the value you want to sort this data.
- Group Interval: You can set group intervals by alphabetical or none.
- Coloring: You can set the coloring options here.
Title Options

- In this section, Treemap Visual displays combinations of categories and sub-categories. To enable this option click yes and the arguments tiles will be grouped into category groups.

Top N

- In this section, you can customize the display number of values that correspond to the highest or lowest values of a particular measure.
- Enable this option by clicking ON.
- Mode: Specifies whether top or bottom values should be displayed.
- Count: The number of Values you want to display.
- Measure: The measure selected which the top or bottom values will be determined.
- Show "Others" Value: If enabled, all values that are not shown in the top/bottom ones will be displayed in the "Others" value.
Hidden Dimensions/Hidden Measures

- This section is used to utilize a field without displaying in the dashboard item. Adding the Hidden dimension or measure, you can sort any values in the data by that specific dimension/measure.
- This section is to sort or filter the visual dashboard in order to get more detailed analysis.
- You can use Hidden Dimensions/ Hidden Measures with the following sections:
- Data/Filtering
- Data Shaping
- Common
- Top N
In this example, we want to sort the employees we acquired using pay rate data.

- After the data is added in the Hidden Measure, select the argument and/or values you want to filter.
In this case, I want to sort EmployeeSource by Payrate. In the Arguments section select EmployeeSource and click Data Shaping. In Data Shaping, go to the Sort By section and select PayRate.

Interactivity Menu

- The interactivity features enables interaction between several variable in the Treemap.
Master Filter Mode

This mode allows you to use any data aware item ad a filter for other dashboard items.
- None: Disables master filtering.
- Single: Allows you to select only one element in the Master Filter item. When this mode is enabled, the default selection will be set to a Master Filter element. You can change this selection, but cannot clear it.

- Multiple: Allows you to select multiple elements in the Master Filter item. To reset filtering, use the Reset Multiple Selections button in the Treemap.

Drill Down

- This mode allows you to change the detail level of the data displayed. Drill-Down enables users to drill down to display detail data, or drill up to view more general information.
Ignore Master Filters

- You have the option to enable or disable Master Filters.
Cross-Data-Source Filtering

- In this mode, when different items in a dashboard are bound to different data sources, you can specify that a particular Master Filter should be applied across data sources. This means that it will apply filtering to fields with matching names in all data sources.
Options Menu


- In this section, you have the option to edit the caption or to enable or disable.
It is best to caption the visual with a variation of the question asked at the beginning of creating the dashboard.

In this section, you can change the layout algorithm and Treemap titles.
- Layout Algorithm: You can change the layout with the following options.
- Slice and Dice: Divides the space between items, slicing it in the specified direction depending on item value.

- Squarified: Arranges tiles so that their width/height ratio will be closer to 1.

- Striped: This is a modified version of the Squarified algorithm. The difference here is that tiles are drawn side by side as columns or rows.

- Layout Direction: In this section you can arrange the Treemap tiles in descending order from maximum to minimum values.
- Bottom Left - Top Right: arranges tiles from the bottom-left to the top-right corner.
- Bottom Right - Top Left: arranges tiles from the bottom-right to the top-left corner.
- Top Left - Bottom Right: arranges tiles from the top-left to the bottom-right corner.
- Top Right - Bottom Left: arranges tiles from the top-right to the bottom-left corner.

- In this section, you can specify which information should be displayed within tile and group labels separately.

Title Labels
- None: No Title Label displayed.
- Argument: Title Label will be displayed with the Arguments section data.
- Value: Title Label will be displayed with the Value section data.
- Argument and Value: Title Label will be displayed with the argument and value section value.
Group Labels: In this section, you can change the group labels by the following options.

- None: No Group Label displayed.
- Argument: Group Label will be displayed with the Arguments section data.
- Value: Group Label will be displayed with the Value section data.
- Argument and Value: Group Label will be displayed with the argument and value section value.

- None: No Tooltips displayed.
- Argument: Tooltips will be displayed with the Arguments section data.
- Value: Tooltips will be displayed with the Value section data.
- Argument and Value: Tooltips will be displayed with the argument and value section value.

- You can change or enable colors to the arguments and values in the Treemap Visual. You can change the default palette used to color Treemap tiles. For this, go to Color Scheme section.
Color Scheme

- In order to change the color to each argument click on the edit button next to the argument.

- Select the color you want and click Confirm to change the color.
- Color Scheme Type
- Global: This color scheme provides consistent colors for identical values across the dashboard.
- Local: This color scheme provides an independent set of colors for each dashboard item.
Convert To Menu

- In this section, you have the option to convert or duplicate the current dashboard item.
Remove Button

- Click on the remove button to delete the current dashboard item.