How can I view Dashboards in IntelliFront BI?

This article will guide IntelliFront BI Users to view Dashboards created by their Administrators.

Dashboards - BI Gallery

  • Go to BI Gallery and select Dashboards
KPI's and Dashboards: Viewing Dashboards in User View in IntelliFront BI.

KPI's and Dashboards: Viewing Dashboards in User View in IntelliFront BI.
  • Here you can view all Dashboards created by your administrator.
  • You can switch the Dashboard view by clicking on the Switch view button.
KPI's and Dashboards: Viewing Dashboards in User View in IntelliFront BI.

Dashboard Context Menu

KPI's and Dashboards: Viewing Dashboards in User View in IntelliFront BI.
  • Dashboards may be configured to be interactive. In order to drill down into an interactive Dashboard, click on the Dashboard icon on the top left of the Dashboard.
KPI's and Dashboards: Viewing Dashboards in User View in IntelliFront BI.
  • You can also view your current KPIs and Dashboards in your cellphone.
KPIs and Dashboards: Using IntelliFront BI in cellphone.

Share a Dashboard

  • Click the share button.

KPIs and Dashboard: Creating a Dashboards in IntelliFront BI.


KPIs and Dashboard: Creating a Dashboards in IntelliFront BI.

  • Email: Enter the email address to share the Dashboard.
  • Subject: Enter a subject for the email.
  • Headline: Enter a headline for the email.
  • Include link to the dashboard: Check this option to insert the link to the dashboard.
  • Link requires login into Intellifront: Check this option to get a secure link to the dashboard.
  • Click Share

Embed Link

KPIs and Dashboard: Creating a Dashboards in IntelliFront BI.

  • Require Authentication: Check this option to generate a secure link for the dashboard.

Your dashboard has been shared successfully. 

Edit Dashboard Filters

ifbi screenshot march 2023

  • Once your dashboard is loaded, you can click on the Filter icon to then change the filters that have been loaded. 

ifbi screenshot march 2023 2