How do I use Command Line Options in PBRS?

Command line switches are all optional, and it doesn't matter the order you put them in. Switches are separated by a semi colon (;).

Command Line Options

  • Command line switches are all optional, and it doesn't matter the order you put them in. Switches are separated by a semi colon (;).

When manually testing command-line options, you must use an Elevated Command Prompt

Power BI: Using Command Line Options in PBRS.

Power BI: Using Command Line Options in PBRS.


Single Schedules and Data-Driven Schedules

  • To execute a Single Schedule and Data-Driven Schedules:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" -s schedulename=myschedulename

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" !xs scheduleid
  • To do the above without any messages showing:
 pbrs.exe -s schedulename:myschedule;showmsg=no
  • To ignore the email address in the schedule and send to a specified email address:
pbrs.exe -s schedulename:myschedule;showmsg:no;

Packages Schedules and Data-Driven Packages

  • To execute a Package:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" -p schedulename=myschedulename

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" !xp scheduleid
  • To do the above without any messages showing:
 pbrs.exe -p schedulename:myschedule;showmsg=no
  • To ignore the email address in the schedule and send to a specified email address:

pbrs.exe -p schedulename:myschedule;showmsg:no;

Event-Based Schedules

  • To execute an Event-Based Schedule: 
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" -e schedulename=myschedulename

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" !xe scheduleid
  • To do the above without any messages showing:
 pbrs.exe -e schedulename:myschedule;showmsg=no
  • To ignore the email address in the schedule and send to a specified email address:
pbrs.exe -e schedulename:myschedule;showmsg:no;

Event-Based Packages: 

  • To execute an Event-Based Packages:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" -ep schedulename=myschedulename

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" !xz scheduleid
  • To do the above without any messages showing:
 pbrs.exe -ep schedulename:myschedule;showmsg=no  
  • To ignore the email address in the schedule and send to a specified email address:
pbrs.exe -ep schedulename:myschedule;showmsg:no;

Automation Schedule and Data-Driven Automation:

  • To execute an Automation Schedule:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" -a schedulename=myschedulename

"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\pbrs.exe" !xa scheduleid
  • To do the above without any messages showing:
 pbrs.exe -a schedulename:myschedule;showmsg=no
  • To ignore the email address in the schedule and send to a specified email address:
pbrs.exe -a schedulename:myschedule;showmsg:no;

Creating a Schedule by command line:

Run pbrs.exe with the switch of -x e.g. \PBRS\pbrs.exe -x

  • And then the following parameters:
ScheduleName: name of schedule

ReportPath: path of Power BI or SSRS Reports

FolderName: folder to store schedule

PBRSUser: pbrs login userid

PBRSPassword: pbrs login password

UserID: power bi report database userid

Password: power bi report database password

Frequency: schedule frequency {Daily,Weekly,Monthly,Yearly,Weekdays,Custom:[calendarname]}

RunAt: time schedule executes

Description: schedule description

Keyword: schedule keywords

StartDate: start date for schedule

EndDate: end date for schedule

Repeat: 1 or 0 if schedule is to repeat

RepeatInterval: repeat interval

RepeatUntil: repeat until time

Status: 1 or 0

UseLogin: 1or 0

UseSavedData: 1 or 0

Destination: schedule destination {Email,Disk,Fax,Printer,Ftp}

DestinationName: name of destination

SendTo: email send to or fax number

CC: email cc

Bcc: email bcc

Subject: email subject

Message: email message

Extras: extra attachments

MailFormat: text or html

SMTPServer: specify SMTP server

OutputPath: disk output path



Format: schedule output format

Zip: 1 or 0

Embed: 1 or 0

Parameter: [parametername]:[parametervalue]

Separate out the switches using a semi-colon(;)

e.g. pbrs.exe -x schedulename:myschedule;reportpath:c:\myreports;foldername:Bills Reports

and so on.

Csscli.exe Command-Lines

When manually testing command-line options, you must use an Elevated Command Prompt

Csscli.exe is a command-line application to return results when running the schedules in Command Prompt.

If you want to run Command Lines to return PBRS results, use the csscli.exe command line. Using this command-line option you can view the results of the schedule right after you execute the schedule in Command Prompt. You can also view if there was an error message of the schedule if it fails. 

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Single Schedules and Data-Driven Schedules

  • To run and view results Single Schedules and Data-Driven Schedules:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\csscli.exe" oop s [scheduleid]

Packages Schedules and Data-Driven Packages

  • To run and view results Single Packages and Data-Driven Packages:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\csscli.exe" oop p [scheduleid]

Event-Based Schedules

  • To run and view results Event-Based Schedules:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\csscli.exe" oop e [scheduleid]

Automation Schedules and Data-Driven Automation

  • To run and view results Automation Schedule and Data-Driven Automation:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\ChristianSteven\PBRS\csscli.exe" oop a [scheduleid]

How do I run Command Lines with PBRS Shortcuts?

Shortcut with cl4

  • Go to Shortcut Properties.
  • Copy Target.
  • Paste the Target in Command Prompt.

Invoking PBRS From Another Server

To invoke PBRS from another server and/or run schedules with your own enterprise management or scheduling system, use





PBRS API to Execute Schedules

  • You can also use the PBRS API to execute schedules - Click Here