How do I share Accounts in Integrations Library?

You have the ability to lock down Power BI and SSRS Accounts for Users and Groups in PBRS. Here's how.

Sharing Accounts - Integrations Library

 You have the ability to lock down Power BI and SSRS Accounts for Users and Groups in PBRS.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Sharing Account for Power BI 

Step 1: Navigate to the Integrations Library.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 2: Select PowerBI Accounts.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 3: Double-click the PowerBI Account.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 4: Click Verify.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 5: Go to the Sharing tab.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 6: Select the group you would like to share the Power BI Account. 

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 7: After selecting the Group, click Save & Close. 

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

The Power BI Account has been shared with the selected group. 

Sharing Account for SSRS Accounts

Step 1: Navigate to Integrations Library.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

pbrs integrations

Step 2: Select SQL Server (SSRS).

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 3: Double-click the SSRS Account. 

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 4: Click Connect

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 5: Go to the Sharing tab.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 6: Select the group you would like to share this account. 

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

Step 7: After selecting the Group, click Save & Close.

Sharing Power BI and SSRS Accounts in PBRS.

The SSRS Account has been shared with the selecting group.