ChristianSteven BI Blog

The Top 2 Powers Of Data Visualization To Look Out For

Written by Christian Ofori-Boateng | Mar 8, 2017 1:30:00 PM

Data visualization offers superior communication for businesses in any industry. The benefits of translating data into visual charts and images allow you and your audience to absorb more information with less work. At the same time, data visualization sparks creative thinking and comparison, which helps you get more out of meetings and presentations in addition to daily work.

First Impressions

While there are many ways to share data, they are not all equally effective, especially when your audience must absorb lots of data in a short span of time. Keep in mind that you are often your own audience. Consider how much data you have to absorb on a daily basis. How much do you really stop to process?

Even in business meetings where you address your own coworkers, you’re addressing individuals who work with different systems and data sets on a regular basis. There’s no guarantee they can immediately absorb information from other departments and projects in the time allotted. This is where data visualization comes into play.

The human mind grasps images far more quickly than processing written information. Images also draw attention better than sheets of numbers and words. Data visualization tools allow individuals to literally see the entire picture. A lot of the creative work required to turn data into concepts comes prepackaged in data visualization. This allows your audience to think about the applications and effects of the data you present rather than wasting valuable time processing the data itself.

Data visualization pulls in your audience, triggering creative thinking through color and images. It turns data into an engaging medium that draws attention rather than demanding exaggerated focus. Whether you want to share your business’s financial situation quickly and efficiently, or you want to demonstrate your growth and profit for a potential investor, data visualization is a powerful tool.

Lasting Effects of Data Visualization

While the right words make a deep impression, data is best remembered through images. It’s easier to recall numbers when they’re associated with visible trends and portions. Images will appear in the mind’s eyes more quickly than numbers when your audience tries to recall the information you shared. When working with a customer, it’s easier for a sales worker to remember which items were at the top of a colorful chart for add-on sales. While it’s possible to memorize lots of facts and data, images allow not only rapid communication but also rapid recall.

By using the same styles of charts and images for the same data sets in future communications, you only increase retention. By establishing visual cues to indicate specific topics and information, you create an established pattern in your audience’s mind. When you compare data from various sources or terms, your audience will quickly remember the data you presented earlier. This allows them to rapidly understand the similarities and differences in any new data.

We live in the information age. We see new data constantly, but not all of it grabs our attention or lasts in our memories. Data visualization improves initial understanding, long-term retention, and even your audience’s creative process. By taking a different approach to data, you ensure effective communication. With data visualization, you save time and maximize opportunities for further development.