ChristianSteven BI Blog

Why Business Intelligence In The Healthcare Industry Is Needed

Written by Christian Ofori-Boateng | May 3, 2017 12:30:00 PM

The hospital system and healthcare industry are one of the fastest-growing in the entire country. In fact, healthcare spending all over the world is increasing. More governments are allocating large portions of their budget to it. Because of the sheer volume of expenses in this industry every single day, big data analytics and business intelligence are incredibly useful. Many hospitals, both private and state-owned, are implementing BI tools into their operations. The industry gains many benefits, including more effective management of healthcare spending and more. The applications are unlimited, as are the benefits. Here is a quick look at the perks of why Business Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry is needed and the applications of such a system today.

The Uses of Business Intelligence in a Hospital

There are many ways in which a BI system can be utilized to help hospitals and networks of healthcare facilities manage their data better. For one, it helps to reduce the amount of spending. This, in turn, helps to increase the total profit made overall. The best part is that business intelligence platforms can be trained to constantly comply with typical standards in the healthcare sector. This means all changes implemented in the hospital are absolutely compliant. All while, simultaneously boosting business and improving the safety of patients.

Safety is one of the prime directives of any hospital or healthcare facility. The safety of a patient in a hospital is paramount. Using a business intelligence software in a hospital’s safety and quality assurance departments mean that the safety of patients can be improved drastically over time. All the decisions you make about the management of your hospital, safety checks, and improvements to the quality checking procedures ensure that your hospital’s patients receive a better standard of care than they ever would have.

One final way in which business intelligence can assist with healthcare management is by improving the overall efficiency of operations within the hospital system. Any clinical decisions that are being made will be made after receiving enough evidence to support that decision. Insurance claims cost control procedures, and even the pricing of different medical products can all be improved in terms of efficiency and effectiveness because of a good BI system.

Patient Data is Becoming Easier to Read 

Back in the day, not all patient information was stored electronically. Whatever was stored on computers was difficult to access and worse to read through. Today, the rise of standards in data entry and storage have made it far easier for a business intelligence system to access and analyze the data of an individual patient within a hospital. The doctors in your facility tasked with making decisions regarding treatment procedures no longer have to give a standard treatment and hope for the best. Business Intellignece systems allow them to visualize a patient’s entire medical history, even when it isn’t provided by the patient themselves. This allows for better treatment that improves the patient outlook.

Too Much Data to Handle Manually

Having a traditional data management system means no intelligent software to monitor, analyze and present data. The problem with this is that more people are entering the hospital system every day. There is so much data present within the database of a single facility that it can become extremely difficult to read without making a single mistake. You have probably heard reports of hospitals running the same tests, multiple times, on one patient, or messing up vaccinations because of “computer errors”. This is usually due to the lack of a system built to read big data. Having a business intelligence system to help with healthcare management, means that all data is processed correctly. The chance of making these types of mistakes is rendered almost negligible.

You Can Prevent Patients from Being Patients 

There is an age-old saying: prevention is better than cure. In a hospital, this is true because a cure is a very expensive process. Big data analytics that read the entire history of a patient can analyze their genetic history, trends in sickness through their lineage, and more. Using this data, your doctors could advise their regular patients to avoid certain things in order to prevent a condition, before it has even begun to show symptoms.

Big Data Could Save Lives

It might not occur to you that your hospital needs a business intelligence system. However, there are so many perks to implementing such a system in your facility. You get to handle huge volumes of data accurately, read individual patient data faster and better, improve the safety of your patients, prevent conditions before they happen, and always ensure compliance. Take a step in the right direction today and bring your healthcare management into the new age with business intelligence.