How do I setup scheduled backups in PBRS?

Use the Schedule Backup option to set up automated system backups. You can enable or disable automatic system backups.

Schedule backups are now configured via Automation Schedules and Custom Tasks.

PBRS has created an Automation Schedule with Daily System Backups located in .System Backup folder in PBRS Home Screen.

PBRS Home Menu

System Monitor - Schedule Backup

  • Go to System Monitor.
PBRS Home Menu
  • Select Schedule Backup.
Power BI and SSRS. Schedule Backup in System Monitor in PBRS
  • Click Yes

System Generated Backup Schedule


This Automation schedule is created by default when installing or updating PBRS.

General Wizard

Power BI and SSRS. Schedule Backup in System Monitor in PBRS

  • You may customize the System Generated Backup Schedule properties. 

Schedule Wizard

Power BI and SSRS. Schedule Backup in System Monitor in PBRS

  • In this section, you will decide when the System Backup will execute. 

As much as possible try to schedule backups at times when you do not have schedules running. This is important as backups may cause delays with schedule execution.

History Wizard

Power BI and SSRS. Schedule Backup in System Monitor in PBRS

  • Review the history of the schedule. Successes, failures and other data is located here.


Power BI and SSRS. Schedule Backup in System Monitor in PBRS


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  • Here you can share this schedule with multiple users. 
  • Once finished, click Apply and OK.