CRD Version 7.8 20220907 has been released. The following enhancements along with software fixes have been included.
CRD Version 7.8 Build 20220907
- Added the ability to connect to office 365 using Modern Authentication (Auth2.0 token-based authorization).
- General UI Improvements to Custom Tasks.
- The limit bursting database logons option within a bursting schedule is now checked by default to prevent system resource issues and improve bursting speed.
Issues Resolved
- Event based data doesn't output any values from the database query in an Event Based Schedule.
- Checking for updates does not work as expected.
- .Net Framework 3.5 should no longer be a requirement to install or run any CRD processes.
- Data Driven Report Export to dynamic SharePoint destinations does not work as expected.
Thank you all for your feedback. The next release of CRD is scheduled for October 2022.