ChristianSteven BI Blog

What To Look For In Dashboard Software

Written by Christian Ofori-Boateng | Jun 17, 2019 7:44:09 PM

Effective dashboard software is the key to making your job more comfortable when you are creating business dashboards in your organization. Dashboards tell a story about your data and are an excellent visual tool for executives and employees alike. From tracking your metrics and KPIs to helping you predict future outcomes, a dashboard can be quite a handy tool for business analysts.

Benefits of Dashboard Software

A dashboard is the key to your decision-making since it represents your data visually and enables you to gather insights about your business. If you are interested in increasing your profits or your sales revenue, you can utilize a well-built dashboard to your advantage. You can use it for tracking numbers or dig deep to understand why data is performing the way it is. At times, you may decide to change course if your dashboard trends are not looking good. In addition, the dashboard gives you a tool to back up your intuitive decisions and thereby give you more confidence.

Features of Dashboard Software

You can do some original reporting of your data using a business dashboard. One of the main features of dashboard software is the ability to gather data from different sources and at different intervals. Your dashboard software should provide pre-built templates to expand upon. It should also support data drill-down for advanced users. Executives will not be digging deep, but other users might. It should also provide several chart options so you can do a balanced job of representing data visually. Another critical feature is the ability to filter and create different views within your dashboard.

Trends of Dashboard Software

With the increasing demands on dashboard software and usage by different sizes of enterprises, the self-service model is becoming quite prevalent. If you don’t need expert IT support, it makes it easier to use the software by small-scale enterprises to create business dashboards.

How to Choose Your Dashboard Software

One of the main features that you should look for in dashboard software is ease of use and its ability to create simple, intuitive dashboards. Self-service capability is the key to more users utilizing the software. Your dashboard software should be available on all devices and accessible from anywhere. Last but not least, it should be able to integrate data from a distinct source.

Take your time to do some research before you invest in dashboard software so that you can make a wise decision and become efficient in creating dashboards for your organization.