ChristianSteven BI Blog

How to Use Big Data to Maximize Employee Productivity in a Newly Remote World

Written by Christian Ofori-Boateng | Sep 22, 2020 3:50:00 PM

The world has been preparing for a remote workforce for years, but that reality is just now materializing. Now that we have been thrust into working remotely, it shouldn't be seen as a crisis, but a major opportunity. Working from home can make it easier for employees to be more productive when they are not distracted by the busy office environment. When employees can dress comfortably, listen to music while they work, and are not burdened by a commute, they report putting more time into actually doing the job. In fact, studies have shown that employee productivity is up 1.9% and they feel better about their work and the businesses that employ them when they are encouraged to complete tasks remotely.

We are being called on to realign our thinking and behaviors to match the current times. This newly remote world has some employers concerned about their ability to manage and motivate employees to perform. By taking advantage of big data, however, businesses gain access to the characteristics, preferences, and behaviors of their workforce. As a result, they can develop a protocol to increase employee satisfaction which in turn boosts productivity.

Big data affords big advantages to business owners. Employers have the opportunity to use big data to improve the employee experience, maximize productivity, and ultimately increase profits.


Big data helps you realize the full potential of your remote workforce. Data analytics are designed to get a clear picture of work patterns and behaviors. When staff completes work remotely, it becomes very obvious who's doing what. This information gives you as the business owner the advantage of recognizing where your company's strengths are and what areas need improvement.

Perception of what's really going on within the company and how employees interact with one another and to situations is the key to delivering support as a work coach rather than as a boss. This is possible more than ever before with data analytics.



When employees are encouraged to express their likes and dislikes in terms of company policy, business owners can see what's working where employee satisfaction is concerned. Employees, in turn, feel like they are being heard. Statistics show that employees who get the impression that their opinions matter tend to have positive feelings about the workplace and overall, perform better.



Thanks to the remote working environment, worker collaboration is changing. Although collaboration tools may have worked well in the past when used in a central location, the outcome is many times greater in remote work situations. Profitable changes connected to collaborative and productive behaviors are resulting in new, more effective, methods of interoffice communication.

Better communication and closer collaboration lead to higher productivity.


Employee Performance and Satisfaction

Employee productivity may have a direct correlation to how comfortable workers feel in their job environments. As office personnel develops a remote mindset and work style, analytical approaches can make a significant difference in employee satisfaction and resulting performance.

Top Performance Highlights

The ability to identify key performers helps managers to better coach the rest of the workforce while refining the profitable outcomes of the stars. This involves digging deep into workflows and various user activities to understand the larger operational picture.

Once performance standards have been identified, managers will recognize which work patterns regularly produce optimal results. New benchmarks and guidelines can then be created to increase performance across the board. This method of elevating existing employee work skills builds loyalty and confidence in workers, leading to better returns on your most valuable and important investment: people.


Tools For Monitoring Employee Productivity

Overall performance and productivity soar when management can provide a model for the entire team to emulate. By analyzing workforce productivity, long-term commitment to success and growth is identified. When workforce productivity is measured over months and years, you get a video history that shows the flow of your business over time. The life and maturity of your organization reveals operation-wide behaviors that can then be adjusted as required.

Tracking and analyzing employee productivity may be key to organizational agility. When you can monitor employee productivity trends, the ability to plan as a unit increases.


Trend Analysis

In order to understand organization-wide behavior, tracking and analyzing productivity trends over time across teams and across roles is a most valuable tool. This gives leadership teams the opportunity to come up with management plans that are likely to reinforce productive behavior. By identifying what classifies productive work and what doesn't, you can easily analyze workforce productivity. In addition, productive actions can be monitored long-term to measure how they change over time. This helps to keep the focus on actions that are currently successful.

Christian Steven Software offers Business Intelligence reporting solutions designed to boost employee productivity. Contact us to discuss your project and how it can be improved.

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