ChristianSteven Software Release Announcements

PBRS Release 20210217 Now Available

Written by Helen Ofori-Boateng | Feb 15, 2021 6:19:49 PM

PBRS Version 4.0 Build 20210217 has been released. The following enhancements along with software fixes have been included.

PBRS Version 4.0 Build 20210217


  • Added the ability to create a SharePoint account using modern authentication flow.
  • Added the ability to create a SQL Server backup from within the application.
  • Added the ability to view Smart Folders using Detail View.

Issues Resolved

  • Single schedules execute multiple times when using collaboration and multi-threading. 
  • PBIRS schedules always timeout after 60 seconds regardless of the max timeout setting.
  • "Add" button in the Package Reports wizard displays the Power BI Package Report Properties as default.
  • Custom Output Format for SSRS Reports does not work as expected.
  • Copying of Package Reports does not copy all the Report Options.
  • SSRS report parameter errors do not log an error in schedule history.
  • Event-Based polling time  is not showing as expected in System Monitor.
  • Preview button is not available in the Report filters wizard when creating schedules for Power BI Reports.
  • Copying a package with reports using visual titles fails to bring visual titles to the copy.
  • Custom Task:  Add Column to Table does not work as expected.

Thank you all for your feedback. The next PBRS release is scheduled for March 2021.