You can create and schedule Bursting Gizmo with Crystal Reports from within IntelliFront BI. This is a step-by-step to create Crystal Report Bursting Gizmo in IntelliFront BI.
Gizmos - Crystal Reports Bursting
- Go to Workshop and select Automation. In Automation, select Gizmos.

- Or select Report Scheduling (Gizmos) from the card on the home screen.

- Click New Gizmo.

Give Gizmo Name
- Give the Gizmo a name.
The name must be unique.
- Click the checkmark to save the name.
- Add a Tag: Give the Gizmo a Tag. This is optional, it can be useful if you have a lot of Gizmos as you will be able to search for Gizmos using Tags.
- Gizmo Description: Enter the description of the Gizmo here. This is optional, you may want to write the name of the report running and the department and the frequency.
- Select Board: If the Gizmo is to be assigned to a board select the board from the drop-down list.
You must have already created a board before you can use this option.
- Gizmo Status: Click Enabled to enable the Gizmo.
Add Crystal Report
Adding the Crystal Report in the Gizmo
- Select Add Crystal Report.

- You can Drag and Drop the Crystal reports or click +Add report files to navigate to and select the desired Crystal Reports.
- Once the report has been chosen you will need to upload the report.

- Upload: Click this button to upload the chosen report.
- Cancel: Cancels the upload.
- Remove: Removes the chosen report.
- Once the report has been successfully uploaded the following screen will be shown.
- The name of the report will be displayed in the Report Details window.
Report Details

- Report Name: Enter the name for the report.
- Report Description (Optional): Enter a description for the report.
- Use Saved Data: By default, IntelliFront BI will always attempt to run the report using the very latest data in your database. If your report is saved "with data" and you want IntelliFront BI to simply export the data in the report, then check this option.
- Enabled: Check this box to enable this report inside the Gizmo.
- Tags: Add a tag to this report of required. Tags may be used for categorizing reports and boards.
Report Credentials
- Report Credentials: Select this option to add or edit report credentials.
Add An Output

- Output Name: You can customize the output name by clicking on the (...) button menu to the right. This will bring up a System Constant Inserts and the Crystal Report Fields Menu for you to be able to insert constants such as CurrentDate, CurrentTime, CurrentMonthName, or Crystal Report Fields.
- Select the desired format from the drop-down menu.
- For more information about Output Formats, click here.
Customizing the Output File Name using Crystal Report Field inserts
- Once you have added the Crystal Report Busting in the Gizmo, you may customize the Output Name of your Crystal Report using the Crystal Report Fields inserts.
In order to use the Crystal Report Fields, you must have Crystal Report Bursting enabled.
- If you have added the Cyrstal Report Bursting enabled, go back to the Crystal Reports section in the Gizmo and click Edit.
- Go to the Output section, and click Insert Menu (...) button and select the Crystal Report Field inserts you want to use to customize the Output file name.
- Once the Output file name is customized, go to the Save Report Menu and click Save Report and Close.
Record Selection Formula
- Record Selection Formula: Select this to add record selection criteria for the report.
Parameters Tab
- Click on the Parameters tab.
- Use the drop-down menu to select a parameter.
- Click Next to continue adding parameters for the report.
Each parameter will be displayed on a separate screen.
- The Window on the left displays the parameter fields.
Run Results Tab

- Run Results: Displays the history for this report.
Table Logins Tab

- Table Logins: If the report requires a Table Login enter the information here.
- Select the required table from the drop list next to Add a Table Login.
- Pick Account: Pick from an already existing account for table Login information.
- Manual Credentials: If you don’t have an existing account, manually enter the table login credentials.
- Integrated Authentication: Check this option if you want to login to the table using Integrated Authentication.
Add Menu

- Path for Report Refresh: Displays a window for you to enter a refresh report path to refresh Crystal Reports. For more information, click here.
- Record Selection Formula: Select this to add record selection criteria for the report.
- Group Selection Formula: Select this to add the group selection formula for the report.
- Output: Select this option to add or change the output format options.
- Credentials: Select this option to add or edit report credentials.
Act Menu

- Run: Execute the report immediately.
- Verify: Verifies the report credentials, parameters etc.
- Download Report File: Download the crystal report.
Save Report Menu

- Save Report and Close: This will close the report screens and return to the Gizmo setup screen.
- Save Report and Create Another: This will add another report to the Gizmo (Package of reports).
For Crystal Bursting, you can only create one Crystal Report per Gizmo.
Once the report has been saved successfully the following screen will be displayed.

Add Crystal Bursting
- Go to Add Menu in the Gizmo and select Crystal Report Bursting.
You must have the Crystal Report added and configured in the gizmo before using Crystal Report Bursting.
- Use the drop-down menu to select and define the specific group to burst.
- Burst for all values at run time: Check this option to select all values of the selected field to the Busrting Gizmo.
- If you want to select a specific value to the Crystal Report Bursting, uncheck Burst for all values at run time.
- Click Yes, do It!
- Select bursting values: Use this drop-down menu to select the specific values you want in the Bursting Report.
Add Trigger

- Select Add Trigger.

- Give the Trigger a name and click the checkmark to save it.
- Start Date: Enter the desired starting date for the schedule. This section can be the current date (providing schedule time has not already passed) or a date in the future.
- Execution time: The gizmo will run at this time.
- Use the following account: Select the windows account to send the report.
In this section, you will decide when the report will execute. There are a variety of options:
- Daily: Run a report every day or at a frequency of days.
- Sub options: Repeat every X Days.
Example: Run the schedule every 3 days.

- Weekly: Run a report on a weekly time frame.
- Sub options: Repeat every X weeks.
Example: Run the schedule every 2 Weeks.
- On: Select the specific days of the week the schedule will run. If only once a week, select only the day of the week it will run.
Example: Run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

- Monthly: Run the schedule on a monthly time frame.
- Frequency: Select frequency options such as the “last Thursday of the month.” Also, you can include or exclude specific months from the schedule.

Add Options Menu

- End Date: If the schedule is due to end after a certain date enter that here. If the schedule is to run indefinitely, then leave it blank.

- Repeat Every: Rerun the package every x minutes from the scheduled time until your specified time.
For example, you can set up a daily package to run every day at 8 am, and to run every hour until 5 pm.

- CPU Priority: Set the priority level of the schedule. This will come into play when other schedules are running at the same time.
- If the priority level is set to BelowNormal then it will be at the bottom of the queue and the other schedules will be run first.

- Timeout: Stop if the task is running for more than X minutes or hours.

Save Trigger Menu

- Save and Close: Save the Trigger and returns you to the Gizmo Set up.
- Save and Create Another: Save the Trigger and create another Trigger.
Add Destination

- Select Add Destination.

- Select the destination type, in this example, an email destination has been chosen.
- To learn more about Disk, click here.
- To learn more about Email, click here.
- To learn more about FTP, click here.
Using Crystal Report Field inserts in Email Destination
- Once you have Crystal Report Bursting added in the Gizmo, you can use the Crystal Report Fields insert located in the Insert Constants Menu.
- The Crystal Report Field inserts are the constants field used in your Crystal Report. With these inserts, you can customize the recipient messaging and subject, and the Gizmo destination.
- You can also customize the messaging the recipient receives. Using Crystal Report Fields Inserts, IntelliFront BI will automatically pull data from your crystal report and use it to customize the subject, body or report format.
- In this example, we will be using an Email destination.

- Click the Insert Menu (...) button on the right corner of the field and select Crystal Report Fields. Select the field that you want to use and it will pull the variable from your crystal report.
- Now IntelliFront BI will deliver a unique report using the Crystal Report fields from your Crystal Report.
- Save and Close: Save the Destination and returns you to the Gizmo Set up.
- Save and Create Another: Save the Destination and create another Destination.
Bursting Gizmo Tabs Menu
Add Menu
- You may add the following options:
- Time Trigger
- Destination
- Crystal Report Bursting
Actions Menu
Run: Use this option to run the Bursting Gizmo once.
Save Gizmo Menu
- Save and Close: Saves the Gizmo and returns to the Gizmo main page.
- Save and Add Another: Saves the current Gizmo and allows you to set up another Gizmo.
When you have finished setting up the Bursting Gizmo click Save Gizmo.
A confirmation message will be displayed when the Gizmo has been saved successfully.
Gizmo Context Menu

- On the Gizmo tab, you will see a card for each Gizmo that is not mapped to a Board. You can search for a gizmo by name and can adjust the number of cards displayed on a page.
Information on the Gizmo card
- Gizmo Name
- Action menu with options like Edit and Move to Board
- Status from last run (Success and Failure)
- Last run time and duration
- Next time to run at (either be a scheduled time or trigger definition)
- Enabled/Disabled control (green is enabled, red is disabled)

- To edit a Bursting Gizmo click on the (...) menu to the right of the Gizmo name. From here you can Edit a Gizmo, Run the Gizmo, Enable or Disable the Gizmo, and Move the Gizmo to a Board.