ChristianSteven Software Release Announcements

CRD Release 20170920 Now Available

CRD Version 7.1 Build 20170920 has been released. The following enhancements along with software fixes have been included.

How to password protect excel files

CRD Version 7.1 Build 20170920


Issues Resolved

  • Modifying email addresses in the "to:", "cc:" and "bcc:" fields no longer remove the current entries.
  • Merging excel files in any package type schedule now work as expected
  • Hyperlinks embedded into an HTML or HTML (Basic) format in an email destination now work as expected
  • Using inserts in an HTML format no longer break the url used in a destination, for any schedule type

Download Latest CRD ReleaseThank you all for your feedback. The next release of CRD is scheduled for October 2017.

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