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Maximizing Package Schedules: Scheduling Batch Crystal Reports

Scheduling batch Crystal Reports can often be a pain! In some cases you are forced to create a report subscription for each and every .RPT file. In other cases, attempting to combine the report delivery can cause more work than its worth. CRD’s package schedules enable you to export multiple Crystal Reports to the same user or group of users. Instead of the recipient getting several different emails containing one report, the user will receive one neatly presented email containing all of the reports. The reports can even be combined into a single file to make it that much easier for the user to view.Maximizing Package Schedules: Scheduling From Batch Crystal Reports

Today’s brief will walk through how to create Package Schedules, a much easier way to batch your Crystal Reports:

  • In CRD, start the package schedule wizard.
  • Name your package, and give it a description.
  • Set the schedule for your package (daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Now for the reports section. This is where the fun begins! Click the Add button to add a report to your package. Just like the single schedule wizard, select your report parameters, database settings, and other information. Repeat this process for the all the reports that must be added to the batch. There is no limit to the number of reports you can add to the package.
  • Once done, you have the option to merge all of the reports in the package into a single, PDF, Text, or Excel file. If you are merging all the reports into an Excel file, each individual report will get its own tab in the workbook!
  • Continue through the schedule to determine the rest of your settings. You can set your reports destination as well. Since this is a package schedule, all of the reports in the package will go to the same location (File share, Email address(s), FTP Site). You can zip up your package of reports and add security encryption as well.
  • Round off your schedule by adding tasks such as an email notification. Click finish once you are happy with your package.
  • You can always add more reports to your package schedule. Its easy! Right click on your package schedule and select add report. Follow the wizard to its completion to finish the report.

Voila! Just like that you have become the the master of scheduling batch Crystal Reports! Your users will praise your ability to deliver so many reports. Your boss will praise your ability to keep it all organized. To leave you with a few tips:

  • Do you already have schedules but you want to turn them into packages? Highlight the desired schedules, right click them, and select Convert to Package.
  • You can add existing schedules to an existing package by right clicking it, and selecting Move Into Package.
  • The same .RPT file can be added to the package more than once and can run for different options. For example, a procedures report can run with parameters of patients ages 18-25 in the package along with the same report running with parameters for patients 26-35.
  • Dynamic and Data Driven Package schedules work on the same principle the regular package schedule. Multiple Dynamic Crystal Reports can be batched together and populated based on database values.

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