Top 3 Advantages Of A Unified Business Intelligence Platform
by Christian Ofori-Boateng on Feb 8, 2017 8:30:00 AM
Business Intelligence is taking the business world by storm. With these advanced analytics tools, businesses have a window to the future. This field has programs appropriate for any business need, but to maximize BI’s effectiveness, you’ll need a unified platform. Patching together va …
How Artificial Intelligence Is Helping Veterans' Health
by Christian Ofori-Boateng on Feb 5, 2017 8:30:00 AM
Until very recently, discussions about AI (artificial intelligence) were limited to science fiction and hopeful techs who were always on the verge of a discovery. Today, Artificial Intelligence is joining VA healthcare services. Whether or not we have true AI, the advanced analytics s …
Why Decision Makers Need Self-Service Software To Be Successful
by Christian Ofori-Boateng on Jan 31, 2017 8:30:00 AM
The Self-service software is an innovative solution to the growing snarls of outdated processes and their associated delays in modern business. Chief among these is the burden of report generation on the IT department, and the regular wait before decision makers have actionable inform …
How To Stay A Step Ahead With Data Interaction
by Christian Ofori-Boateng on Jan 19, 2017 8:30:00 AM
Although the internet has given people all over the world access to incredible amounts of information, it has also created a data vacuum. It’s all too easy to lie on the internet, and people commonly remind each other that they can’t trust everything they read online. While there are …
How To Redeem Your IT Department From The Report Farm
by Christian Ofori-Boateng on Jan 17, 2017 8:30:00 AM
IT departments can handle business analytics and reports, or they can serve their intended purpose. Not only do these tasks inhibit your IT department from meeting its full potential, but there are better, more efficient ways to transform data into information.