ChristianSteven BI Blog / Microsoft Power BI (8)

How PBRS Can Simplify Your Business Intelligence

How PBRS Can Simplify Your Business Intelligence

We increasingly live in a data-driven world. However, not everyone in the world of startups, which depend so heavily on making data-based decisions, has the technical background to automatically thrive in this environment. Companies driven by the expertise of artists, chefs, accountan …

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How to Get Started Using PBRS for Power BI

How to Get Started Using PBRS for Power BI

When implemented the right way, PBRS can be a powerful way to leverage and automate the insights you get from your various data sources. This guide will walk you through the process of getting started with PBRS. Let's begin with a clarification: Getting started with PBRS is actually a …

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Turning Disparate Data Sources Into a Positive With PBRS for Power BI

Turning Disparate Data Sources Into a Positive With PBRS for Power BI

Getting to the heart of the driving factors behind your business success isn't always simple or straightforward. Even if you were there from the start and the original moment of insight that eventually turned into a business, there will still be nuances about your product, the market, …

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Why the SQL Server Reporting Tool Bringing Business Intelligence

Why the SQL Server Reporting Tool Bringing Business Intelligence

A SQL Server Reporting tool is a server-based report generating software made by Microsoft. It is a system used by many companies that must build custom data reports from different statistical sources. These could include SQL databases, among other external sources. The software allow …

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ChristianSteven Named Spring 2021 BI Software Top Performer

ChristianSteven Named Spring 2021 BI Software Top Performer

Oftentimes, business awards are created for marketing purposes; they can be great methods for establishing a growing reputation and catching the attention of prospects and colleagues, but when overdone their value can be greatly diminished. However, some awards do honestly and accurat …

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